Ecommerce Website

Search engine friendly e-commerce sites for more traffic and more sales.


  • E-Commerce Features
    Starts at ₹ 39,990
    Unique Home Page Design
    Unique Inner Pages Design 15
    Contact Us form
    Concepts 2
    Revisions 4
    Custom WordPress Blog Integration
    Professional stock photos
    Use of Your Logo and Colour Scheme
    100% CSS based Tableless
    Source Ordered, Highly optimized for SEO
    Valid XHTML 1.0 and valid CSS
    Search Engine Friendly URLS
    Website Editing
    Manage content from a Web browser
    Creation of new website pages
    Preview content as you work, without publishing
    Unlimited page addition
    Custom Page name & Titles
    Add Images/ALT Tags
    Sell Products/Services Online
    Web-based control panel
    Adding unlimited products & images
    Virtually unlimited main / sub categories
    Password-protected administrative access
    Payment Gateway Integration (Paypal/2Checkout/
    Shipping Module installation & integration
    Customer Management
    Order Management/Tracking
    Inventory Management
    Newsletter module
    Discount coupon codes
    Sales Reporting & Analysis
    SEO Readiness
    HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
    Internal link structuring and optimization
    Pages H tags


2. Project Specification
The Responsive website will be device compatible (responsive on mobile, desktop, laptop, ipad…Etc)
3. Ecommerce Website:-
TEMPLATE DESIGN Prepare a wire-frame based on the inputs given by the Client and monitored by the Business Team. Once approved, it is converted into a unique graphics design for the home page design using Photoshop.

✓ Top Menu Implementation with submenu support

✓ Copyrights Footer module Implementation

✓ Footer Menu Implementation

✓ Left / Right side Custom text module

✓ Quick Contact Info module

✓ Inner Page Design and Customization, the layout will be differ from the Homepage ✓ Converting the uniquely designed graphics design into CMS layout. .

✓ Configuring the CMS module Positions & layouts

✓ Menu layout and position creation as per graphics design

✓ Adding content pages up to 10 pages with proper alignment

✓ One or more images included in the page

✓ A content page includes company profile, about us, Service details, vision-mission, History about company and Privacy policy etc.

✓ Admin can able to add images to the banner slide show

✓ Admin can able to view/edit the images in the banner slideshow

✓ Admin can able to delete the images in the banner slideshow

✓ Basic and Advance search option
✓ Search result page with listing all matched entries with navigation

✓ After select any one of the list , goes to the Entry detailed page

✓ Display the Entry detail page

✓ Option for select the entries from Alphabet

✓ User Registration with specific fields like Username, Name, Email, Password,

✓ Account activation using email verification code to avoid the junk registration

✓ Login Module for user login from the front end

✓ Recovery Password Option

✓ After login user can view their profile page

✓ User can edit the profile details.

✓ User can change the password.

✓ The profile page has the following options • My accounts • My orders • My wishlist • Others

✓ Admin can view all the user list

✓ Admin can edit the user profile details

✓ Admin can delete / Block any user

✓ Home

✓ Contact us

✓ Account

✓ Wish list

✓ Cart

✓ Home

✓ About us

✓ Products

✓ Categories and sub categories

✓ Blog

✓ Contact us
Note: Main menu is subjected to change based on the client requirement

✓ The page is designed with the list of products

✓ Each product is show with an image and the basic information like

✓ Product name ▪ Price ▪ Discount ▪ Size ▪ Color

✓ The page is sorted by price like ▪ Low ▪ High
▪ All prices

✓ The page is also having the filters like ▪ New Arrivals ▪ Color ▪ Size ▪ Brand ▪ Price ✓ Admin can add/edit/delete the products ✓ CSV upload feature for details of the products in the CMS & XML upload option for the pictures
QUICK LINKS ✓ Products ✓ Offers ✓ Recent visit ✓ Futured products ✓ Others
PRODUCT PAGE ✓ Quick Look(add to cart) ✓ zoom In effect ✓ Product Information ✓ Specification ✓ Add to cart ✓ Buy now ✓ Add to compare ✓ Similar goods ✓ People also viewed ✓ Others
SHOPPING CART & CHECKOUT ✓ User can click the buy now button, it will added in theircart ✓ Again giving option for continue shopping or go to checkout ✓ Check out page process, showing the cart item list ✓ User can update / delete the Items from the shopping cart ✓ Shipping methods select page ✓ Billing information collect page ✓ Payment Method select page ✓ Order confirmation page ✓ Order email confirmation email will go to Admin and User ✓ Shopping Cart with product images and editablequantities ✓ Estimated shipping cost and tax before check-out ✓ Express check out with minimum contact details and auto generatedpassword ✓ Pre-registered auto fill fields ✓ Ability to choose delivery modes in check-out ✓ Email opt-in during checkout ✓ Automated abandoned cart recovery ✓ Checkout as a Guest ✓ One-page Checkout ✓ Custom Message during Checkout for Delivery Instructions
ORDER MANAGEMENT ✓ Admin can manage the orders of the user. ✓ Admin can accept/reject the order.
BILLING ✓ Generate Invoice in PDF
✓ Get Invoice copy on email ✓ Save invoice copy in User Account in website
PAYMENT GATEWAY ✓ Admin can View all the Payment Methods ✓ Admin can modify the Payment Methods details ✓ Support any one of the following payment ▪ PayPal ▪ Bank payment gateways ✓ When the user selects for the pay now option , he need to fill few details about him. ✓ User needed to choose the mode of payment which takes the user to fill the bankdetails.
ORDERS AND REPORTS ✓ Admin can View all the Orders list ✓ Admin can Edit / Delete Orders from the list ✓ Admin can manage the orders of the user. ✓ Admin can accept/reject the order. ✓ Order can filter by Payment Status and Order Number ✓ Admin can view the reports ✓ Admin can filter the reports for Date Range, Monthly, Weekly, Daily
USER, COUPONS, DISCOUNTS AND OTHERS ✓ Admin can View all the Users and User Groups ✓ Admin can Edit / Delete the users data ✓ Admin can create a Coupon code for Discount ✓ Admin can give the rewarding system to users ✓ Admin can add any number of countries ✓ Admin can add any number of Currencies ✓ Based on the coupon code user will get discount
WALLET ✓ Customer Wallet would be attached within the site where refunds /cancellations could be deposited
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ✓ Admin can add/edit/delete the inventory ✓ Admin can set the inventory alerts ✓ Once the inventory reaches the limit admin will receive thealerts
COMMENT & RATINGS ✓ User can write comments on any Products ✓ There is an option of giving ratings for the products(5 star rating) ✓ Admin can add/edit/delete any comment and rating
MULTILANGUAGE/MULTI CURRENCY ✓ Content will be provided by the client ✓ Content Element Manager ✓ Easy Translation ✓ Translation module (admin)
✓ More easy language handling (meta information) ✓ Translation overview in the front end ✓ Possibility for an unlimited amount of languages ✓ Overview of the changed contents in the Translation list ✓ Support for all the core components/modules of Joomla! ✓ The operator will select the language to write the remarks ✓ The user can selects the language to download the remarks and invoice ✓ Provision to select the language & currency from the front end
FORUM (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY) ✓ Ability to set up the configurations for the following information ✓ General Configuration, Registration, User Profile, Images, Moderation, Connections (friends list) ✓ Development of User Management for add/edit/delete or block user. ✓ Development of Tab Management for add/delete/edit tab that appears at the frontend. ✓ Development of Field Management for add/delete/edit additional field for registration form and other forms. ✓ Development of List Management for define the type how the user list should be displayed . ✓ User Profile ▪ User can edit, delete, update their profile ▪ Have their contact info, personal info and additional info listed. ▪ User Profile Image ▪ User can upload their profile picture ✓ Manage Connections ▪ Manage (ban, delete, add) their own friends list ▪ Manages friends in groups ▪ View friends profile ✓ Subscription, User can view theirsubscriptions ✓ Blog ,User can have their own blog entries and lists. Submit blog, add comment, view others blog. ✓ Forum, User can have their forum post listed and view others forum ✓ Articles, User can have their article listing and archived articles, User can send, receive and reply profile post. ✓ User manage their album (upload and remove the images) ✓ Slideshow ✓ Thumbnail preview for images ✓ Configurable time interval for slideshow preview ✓ Sizeable – set width and height for your image gallery ✓ CB profile gallery ✓ User can upload the images ✓ Limit the access of image view(friends only, all) ✓ Extra fields in profile ✓ Enhanced registration workflows ✓ User lists ✓ Connection paths between users ✓ Admin defined tabs and user profiles ✓ Image upload, front-end workflow management
NEWSLETTER – USER FUNCTIONALITY ✓ Subscribe module for user subscription ✓ Subscriber email extended validation ✓ Subscription acknowledgment for emailconfirmation ✓ Activate the subscriber using email activation. ✓ User Unsubscribe option, when the user no need to receive the newsletter
NEWSLETTER – ADMIN FUNCTIONALITY ✓ Test newsletter send by admin itself ✓ Creating Newsletter using Html Editor ✓ Sending bulk newsletter in Batch wise ( to avoid the spam) ✓ Newsletter Template Creation, we can use the template at any time for sending the newsletter ✓ Synchronize the user from the registered User, means convert the registered user into Newsletter subscriber in single click ✓ Import / Export the subscribed Users ✓ Block the user to avoid receiving newsletter
TESTIMONIAL ✓ Admin can view all the Testimonial ✓ Admin can Add any number of Testimonial ✓ Admin can Edit / Delete the existing Testimonial ✓ Admin can published / Unpublished the existing Testimonial ✓ Admin can change the order of existing Testimonial display in the frontend ✓ Testimonial base support Images ✓ User can view all the list of Testimonial
FAQ (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY) ✓ Admin can view all the Faqs ✓ Admin can Add any number of Faqs ✓ Admin can Edit / Delete the existing Faqs ✓ Admin can published / Unpublished the existing Faqs ✓ Admin can change the order of existing Faqs display in the frontend ✓ Faqs base support Images ✓ User can view all the list of Faqs ✓ Faqs support the Accordion Effects in the front end
SEO FRIENDLY URL (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY) ✓ Generate SEF URLs ✓ Advanced SEF URL management ✓ Generate and manage metadata (component – based) ✓ Can override default metadata generated by component or Joomla (title, meta tags) ✓ Sitemap generation ✓ Keywords management ✓ Duplicates management ✓ Support for other components through extension modules; each component extension has own configurable parameters ✓ Multilinguality support and URL localization ✓ UTF-8 URLs support ✓ URL caching ✓ Editing ht access capability ✓ URL variables filtering option – prevent URL code injections! with custom filter definitions
✓ URL source tracing to help allocate problematic code ✓ 301 Redirections management ✓ 404 Page Not Found customization
GOOGLE ANALYTICS ✓ Site Attendance ✓ Visitors by IP address ✓ Registered users ✓ Page views ✓ Popular pages ✓ Traffic Sources ✓ Referring Sites / referring pages URL ✓ Popular Search queries ✓ Operating systems and their versions ✓ Browsers and their versions ✓ Visitors Locations ✓ Events (downloads, out bond links) ✓ Indexed pages counter (Google, Yahoo, Bing (MSN), Yandex, Rambler, Alltheweb, Ask, Altavista) ✓ Back links counter ✓ Google Page Rank ✓ Yandex TYC ✓ Alexa Traffic Rank ✓ New versions checker ✓ Multi profiles
FOOTER ✓ The footer menu mainly consists of o About us o Privacy policy o Security o Retuns o Press o Newsletter
oTerms and conditions o Others
SOCIAL NETWORKING PLUGINS ✓ Follow us on various social media (FB, Twitter, g+)
CONTACT US PAGE ✓ Contact us page will have with form with 5 to 6 fields ✓ Once the form submitted , email will go to Admin email id ✓ Display the address of the Office location ✓ Google Map support for display the Office Location
TESTING AND FIXING BUGS ✓ Quality Testing for the entire website ✓ Fixing if any bug is found
MIGRATION TO LIVE SERVER ✓ Migrating the site from local server to live server
MULTI VENDOR ✓ Vendor login credentials and access / role of menu will be created byadmin. ✓ After login vendor can add / delete/ view or update their products.
✓ Multi-Vendor so that the Vendor/Seller can add a slider to their own SEO landingpage. ✓ When the Vendor then logs into his/her account they will find a Vendor Module List Item, with Item Add Vendor Slider, there they can add the slider for their landing page. ✓ If the Vendor has nothing added as sliders then the page won’t show slider nor a placeholder, as if there was no slider.


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